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Help us provide support to children who have a sibling with chronic illness
The part of having a special needs child in the home that goes unnoticed is the siblings who sacrifice so much. I bought Kate the Lion King movie and we had just started watching it when John started taking a turn for the worse. I told her that we need to take John to the hospital. We were supposed to order some Dominos but that wasn’t going to happen anymore. Without asking any questions she turned the TV off, changed her clothes, packed her bag and snacks and was ready to go. We got a Happy Meal for her through the drive through and we were on our way. During the 2.5 hour drive she didn’t nap because she wanted to hold his hand.
It is now 7am and she hasn’t slept because she wants to make him feel better. At only 8 years old her priority is always John’s health. She has been dealing with this since she was born. She was only 10 days old when John had his stroke. She never questions why as long as she can make her brother better. Regardless of what she has planned or what she is doing, her brother’s health is always more important. We always see what the sick child goes through but we never really think about the siblings. How quickly they have to grow up, the worries that they have, how resilient they have to be, how selfless. What a great advocate they have to be at such a young age. She is only 8 and she knows how to change his trach, get his feeds going and give a basic medical history for him.